National Day of the Nahuat Language

It took place in Santo Domingo de Guzmán. Through a study, the Ministry of Culture identified 197 native speakers in various municipalities of Sonsonate.

In Santo Domingo de Guzmán, Sonsonate, they celebrated the National Day of the Nahuat Language and the Native Language at the central park of the locality. The activity was supported by the Ministry of Culture. During the celebration, a marimba group and the Elderly Choir from the local cultural center, composed of four “nantzin” (ladies or mothers, as the natives of the community are known) and guitarist Nicolás Sánchez, were presented.

Additionally, the youth group Iyulu Nutechan (the heart of my town) participated in Nahuat chants involving members of the community and a photo exhibition. The event was organized by the General Directorate of Multiculturalism and the National Directorate of Cultural Centers and Cultural Parks, in conjunction with the municipality, with the aim of promoting the revitalization of the Nahuat language, explained the organizers.

During the event, authorities emphasized the importance of these activities, as Santo Domingo de Guzmán is one of the communities with the largest number of native Nahuat speakers in the country, where the language is also spoken in Tacuba, Nahuizalco, and Cuisnahuat.

“In the town where I work, there is a lot of acceptance of our language, and children are like sponges. Sometimes mothers doubt whether they can learn another language, but one feels proud of the ability they have to learn easily. I learned from my mom, from the elders of the town, studying diploma courses, and I am still learning,” said Elvira Patriz, a teacher at the Language Immersion Nest of Santa Catarina Masahuat, who was one of the protagonists of the event.

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