Nayib Bukele for re-election.

Nayib Bukele for re-election.

In a decisive and controversial move, four out of the five magistrates of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE) have today, on November 3rd, agreed to register Nayib Bukele, the current President of El Salvador, as a candidate for the Presidency of the Republic in the 2024 elections, despite the constitutional prohibition on consecutive re-election.The news was made public through the official TSE website on the X social network (formerly known as Twitter), where it was reported that four magistrates voted in favor of the registration of the presidential ticket for the Nuevas Ideas party, led by Bukele and Félix Ulloa, "after verifying that they meet the legal requirements."

According to sources, Dora Esmeralda Martínez, Guillermo Wellman, Rubén Meléndez, and Noel Orellana voted in favor of the registration, while Julio Olivo opted for abstention.

Bukele's registration as a candidate despite the constitutional prohibition has generated widespread controversy, with numerous social organizations, international organizations, academics, jurists, and political parties, including Nuestro Tiempo, urging the TSE not to allow his candidacy due to the alleged violation of at least six articles of the Constitution.

On the other hand, the TSE also approved the registration of the candidacies of Manuel Flores and Werner Marroquín for the Presidency and Vice Presidency for the Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front (FMLN) party, becoming the first ticket to register after the election call.

The resolutions of the registration requests for other presidential tickets, such as Nuestro Tiempo, Fraternidad Patriota Salvadoreña (FPS), Fuerza Solidaria, and the Nationalist Republican Alliance (ARENA), which reportedly received a notice for pending documentation, are yet to be confirmed.

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Penate, S. (2023, noviembre 3). El TSE acepta sin reparos la candidatura de Nayib Bukele para la reelección. Noticias de El Salvador - Noticias de El Salvador, noticias internacionales, salvadoreños por el mundo, economia, negocios, politica, deportes, entretenimiento, tecnologia, turismo, tendencias, fotos, videos, redes sociales

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