Gasoline Rates

Gasoline Rates

The lowered rates will be in effect from tomorrow, Tuesday, through November 27.

The price of a gallon of gasoline will present a decrease of up to $0.21 for the present fortnight, according to the prices released by the General Directorate of Energy, Hydrocarbons and Mines.

The reference prices establish that in the central zone the gallon of superior gasoline will cost $3.96, the regular at $3.85 and the gallon of diesel at $4.22.

While in the western zone the gallon of special gasoline will cost $3.97, regular gasoline $3.86 and the gallon of diesel $4.27.

In the eastern part of the country the gallon of premium gasoline will reach $4, regular gasoline $3.90 and diesel $4.27.

The new prices will go into effect tomorrow, November 14 and will remain in effect until November 27.

The drop in the price of hydrocarbons is influenced by the increase of 11.9 million barrels of oil announced by the North American Petroleum Institute, which generates a drop in the international prices of hydrocarbons.

Also, due to the low performance of oil exports and imports in China, which has caused a worldwide drop in oil prices.

As well as the increase in Russian oil exports, which generates relief in the price of hydrocarbons.

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Reyes, M. (2023, November 13). Precios del galón de gasolina bajan hasta $0.21 en todo el país. Diario El Mundo.

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