Salvadorans and foreigners enjoy cultural festival in Juayúa Historic Center

Salvadorans and foreigners enjoy cultural festival in Juayúa Historic Center

This is the second cultural festival organized by the Municipal Works Directorate in that location.

National and foreign tourists enjoyed choreographic pieces by the National Dance Company in the revitalized Historic Center of the municipality of Sonsonate Norte, recently renovated by the Government. It is a recreational activity held this weekend.

"Even and Odd" was the name given to the artistic program with choreographic pieces of musical themes for soloists and duos, titled among others: «Sin macha atrás», «Narrativa de lo habitual», «Amor brujo», «Nostalgia», «La danza del molinero», «Fraternal» and «La bala».

It is worth mentioning that this is the second cultural festival organized by the Municipal Works Directorate at this site, which was revitalized on February 3rd for more than 50 thousand inhabitants of this western part of the country.

In Juayúa, which in Nahuatl means "City of the Red or Purple Orchids", the central park was renovated with new benches, flooring, planters, lantern-type lights, and the main fountain, among others. The facade of the Santa Lucía parish was also softened with new paint and LED technology lighting.

This district of the municipality of Sonsonate Norte, which is part of the tourist Route of the Flowers, now provides a new recreational space for Salvadoran families, thus fulfilling the objective of the president.

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