Government Launches Inclusive Program for Elderly People

Government Launches Inclusive Program for Elderly People


The Integration Directorate launched the "Integrating Grandparents" program this Friday, aiming to involve senior citizens in educational, cultural, entrepreneurial, and other activities as agents of change in communities.

The honorary president of the institution, Alejandro Gutman, highlighted the importance and role of the elderly as agents of change for communities, especially those that have suffered from decades of crime generated by gang groups and now enjoy peace thanks to the security strategy implemented by the authorities.

"This is a historic meeting, with 500 grandparents gathered; this is the beginning of a new stage where we aspire to have thousands of grandparents become wonderful resources for the country, inspiring young people," Gutman commented.

The official stated that this is one of the eight projects being developed by the institution in coordination with various ministries such as Health; he also lamented that for decades this demographic segment was ignored by previous governments and international organizations.

"I never understood this," Gutman commented on the matter.

He emphasized the fact that President Nayib Bukele has prioritized this demographic group in social programs, either as beneficiaries or as agents of transformation for their communities.

"I owe this change to the President of the Republic, who with his political and determined vocation to achieve this transformation in society has accompanied us, and we accompany the work he has done, and above all, to the ministries that are accompanying us and opening opportunities and possibilities," he emphasized. 

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