Promoting Soccer for Children in Los Angeles, USA


Ronald Alberto Orellana leads a soccer academy catering to children of different nationalities in California, USA. The Salvadoran community and other nationalities residing in Los Angeles, California, have found an opportunity for their children to develop their physical and academic skills through soccer in the World Magic International Soccer Academy project.

This project, initiated in 2021, is spearheaded by Ronald Alberto Orellana, a 34-year-old Salvadoran native of San Juan Opico, La Libertad, who has been living in California for seven years.

"I am grateful to God for all the blessings and opportunities since I decided to migrate, but I never forget about our compatriots, both those I found here in Los Angeles and those I left behind, including my family," said Ronald, who was part of several Salvadoran soccer teams.

He took his first steps as a footballer between 1996 and 2000 in the soccer schools of Juventud Independiente in his hometown of San Juan Opico, under the guidance of Juan Ramón Sánchez, the current coach of Santa Tecla in the top division. He also played for the Salvadoran University Alberto Masferrer (USAM) where he studied for a while and tried his luck in futsal with the Indio Cuscatleco team in the top division in 2015.

Regarding his World Magic International Soccer Academy project, Ronald explained, "It was born as a dream to benefit children from different communities through soccer. We have around 140 children from Salvadoran, Mexican, American, and other nationalities' families, boys and girls aged four to sixteen."

He added that they aim to shape the character of the child from an early age so that those who have the skills to develop in soccer can do so, and those who do not achieve that dream can become different people, with a desire to change the community and steer clear of crime, gangs, drugs, or other youth problems.

Ronald's project has been supported by Professor Juan Ramón Sánchez and others who have joined the initiative. "Professor Sánchez, who trained me in Juventud Independiente during my childhood and youth, instructed me and helped develop our playing methodology," Ronald said.

The community leader affirmed that he has also received support from organizations in Los Angeles for his project. "God put on our path the direct assistance of the Century Youth Activity League in the city of Compton, Los Angeles County, an organization that provides our scholarship recipients with training fields, a gym for our players' preparation with the help of Olympic medalist Derrick Johnson. They support us with transportation for our boys to multiple events, also provide food for some events, and offer training to build leadership for our staff," Ronald expressed.

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