La Yuca: A Culinary Delight in Izalco

La Yuca: A Culinary Delight in Izalco

Izalco, Sonsonate - La Yuca is a hidden gem located on the road to Sonsonate, just off the turnoff to Atecozol water park. This humble eatery delights customers with its delicious yuca dishes, available in three varieties: fried, boiled, and mixed.

The most affordable option is the fried yuca ($3), which comes with fried yuca, fried pepescas (small fish), and tomato sauce. For a more complete experience, try the yuca completa ($3.50), which includes fried yuca in sauce, pepescas, chicharra (fried pork rind), and chicharrones (fried pork belly).

The star of the show is the yuca tóxica ($5), which features all the ingredients of the yuca completa plus a large whole chicharrón.

In addition to yuca, La Yuca also sells delicious chicharrones. On weekends, they offer a special treat: the Porky Cono, a cone-shaped mozzarella cheese crust filled with guacamole and chicharron.

La Yuca is the brainchild of husband and wife Carlos Alfredo Centeno Polanco and Alis Merino, who opened the business in November 2021. They have received support from their family, including their daughters and Alis's brother.

Centeno attributes the success of their business to their focus on good customer service and the use of fresh, high-quality ingredients in all their dishes, especially the yuca.

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